
  • Diabetes
  • Macular
  • Retina

Dr. Morley is a retina specialist who has been practicing at Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston for more than 20 years. He has a strong interest in improving the quality and efficiency of eye care both here and abroad. In 2015, he was awarded a Fulbright grant by the US State Department to study quality improvement and patient safety. As part of that grant, he traveled to Khon Kaen University Medical Center in Thailand where he taught courses to medical student and residents.

Dr. Morley is Co-Chair of the Expert Panel on Patient Safety in Cataract Surgery. The panel advises the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction. In addition, Dr. Morley and his team won a prize at the MIT “Hacking Medicine” Hackathon in 2016 for a quality improvement project.

Dr. Morley has a strong interest in teaching ophthalmology and has received six nominations for excellence in teaching from Harvard Medical School and the American Medical Association. Dr. Morley has published multiple research papers and two book chapters on retinal disease. His special interests are global health and international ophthalmology. He volunteers one month each year teaching and performs surgery in developing countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, Bhutan and Honduras.

Dr. Morley is a proud member of the Barnstable-Yarmouth Lions Clubs, where he and his wife Katharine Morley, MD, and his practice manager, Jane Walsh, have successfully written six grants for more than $100,000 to fund cataract surgery in Thailand and Cambodia. He sits on the Board of Directors of the Center for Eye Research and Education (CERE), where he has raised more than a half a million dollars for research and clinical care.